cloud computing
Private Cloud Server • Remote backup
Data security • Exchange & Cloud Server
Remote backup
80% of companies that suffer a major loss of IT data go bankrupt.
Remote backup of files is a good alternative for protecting them against possible damage. Many factors, such as human error, hardware crashes, theft, hacking, viruses and other disasters, constantly threaten a company’s computer data.
Backups are carried out daily in our DataCenter, automated, encrypted and permanently monitored. MTR ONLINE BACKUP is the remote backup solution that meets all corporate needs.
Data security
Today, the smooth running of a business depends on sound, secure IT.
The ever-increasing destructive power and complexity of computer viruses lead to daily intrusions and data hijacking.
MTR-IT can offer you the best response to each of these threats: network access control, firewall, anti-virus, data protection…
Information systems are vital to modern business. As soon as these tools stop working, the whole company is paralyzed.
It’s vital to guarantee business continuity in all situations, without jeopardizing your financial health.
Exchange & Cloud Server
The MTR Exchange Cloud hosting solution makes it easy to access email, calendar, contacts, to-do lists and documents from anywhere, using any device or platform.
With MTR Exchange Cloud, there’s no need to invest in hardware, software or licenses. No technical knowledge of Microsoft Exchange is required. Forget the long hours spent installing, configuring and securing your system, or keeping abreast of updates and patches.
MTR Exchange Cloud offers you exceptional quality of service thanks to its high-availability DataCenter platforms, a technical support center to assist you and a comprehensive range of features.